Other things 其他东西

Putt Putt

Golf 高尔夫球

Set in the grounds of Mudgee Honey Haven, Mudgee Putt Putt is great fun for all ages. Each hole has been specially crafted to challenge young and old alike. Line up that golf ball and putt through tunnels, under bridges, and around obstacles for only $5 per person. 坐落在Mudgee Honey Haven的场地上,Mudgee Putt Putt 高尔夫球场适合各个年龄段的人。每个洞都经过特殊设计,可以挑战年轻人和老年人。将高尔夫球排成直线,然后通过隧道,桥梁下以及障碍物周围的推杆。

Private & Unique

Mudgee Stays

Nestled in the pine hills of Riverlea with private access to the Cudgegong River, only a short 15 minute drive from the centre of Mudgee. This extremely private country retreat with a 3 bedroom main house and 2 bedroom cottage, has a unique double deck swimming pool and is only minutes away from the famous Logan Wines & Skimstone cellar door.

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Recipes 食谱建议

Whether drizzled over dainty cakes, putting a buzz in your breakfast or giving a gorgeous glaze to meat, a spoonful of sweet honey nectar can turn your meals into masterpieces, try one of out recipes. 无论是烤蛋糕,还是做早餐或烹饪肉类菜肴。一匙甜蜜的蜂蜜花蜜可以使您的饭菜变成一顿美餐,尝试以下一种食谱。

See recipes 见食谱


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Mudgee Honey Haven
